KFACC has undertaken many initiatives to support service providers and better respond to the needs of those that have experienced sexual or domestic violence. Here are some of our previous initiatives:
- Collaborative Service Delivery Site Business Case Discussion Paper (Nov. 2009)
- A Coordinated Response to Child Abuse Investigative, Justice and Community Services for the City of Kingston and Frontenac (October 2009)
- Collaborative Service Delivery Site Business Case Discussion Paper (Nov. 2009)
- Communications Strategy (2010)
- Lunch N’Learn Educational Sessions (Quarterly 2014 – 2018)
- Sexual Assault Protocol (2014 Revised) and Partner Abuse Protocol (2014 Revised)
- KFACC Steering Committee Terms of Reference (July 2015)
- Child Abuse Program for Kingston and Frontenac (2015)
- Kingston Youth Sexual Violence Prevention Assessment (May 2015)
- KFACC website launched, with a full update (2016)
- Development of Online Protocol Training Tool (2016)
- Launch of Online Protocol Training (2016 – 2017)
- A Trauma-Informed Justice System: Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma, full day training presented by Dr. Lori Haskell (May 2016)
- Working Effectively with Media: train-the-trainer session with Pam Cross (October 2017)
- Human Trafficking Knowledge Exchange (January 2018)
- Safety Planning Risk Assessment Forms (posted online and downloadable) developed in English, French and Arabic that can be filled out and taken from agency to agency for clients and agency workers (2018 – 2019)
- Principles to Practice: Applying Our Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Principles in Our Anti-Violence Work – ARAO 2-day training for agencies with Beth Jordan (June 2018)
- KFACC three-fold brochure and poster printed and out to the Agencies and also on the website for download ( November 2018)
- KFACC SA/DV Protocol & Risk Management Training Session (November 2018 and February 2019) An opportunity to hear from a cross section of agencies and providers and learn applied knowledge about the sexual assault/domestic violence protocol and risk assessment created for our community. As well hear from Family and Children Services about new legislation.
- Social Media and Smart Technology Safety Planning: Mitigating Risk for Clients Training Session (March 2019)
- Effective Use of Social Media for Agencies: Protecting Staff and Social Agencies (March 2019) How the rise of smart home technologies and social media have increased risks of violence in intimate partner relationships, how staff can help mitigate these risks and also how agency staff can personally protect themselves and their agency from violence through technology.
- Smart Home and Smart Home Technology & Abuse brochures developed and available to the agencies in English and French (2019)
- KFACC sponsored KAVAC PSA played at Cineplex Odeon Theatre every day for 6 weeks
- 2SLGBTQQIA+ An Inclusion Workshop for Service Providers in the Anti-Violence Sector (October 2019)
- KFACC Allied Online Response Summer: Social Media Campaign to address IPV during COVID – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (Ongoing 2020/Updated Quarterly)
- KFACC Social Media Policy Developed (July 2020)
- Advanced Virtual Training — Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Trauma & Moral Distress with Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed., RP., CCC., Compassion Fatigue Specialist and Co-Executive Director, TEND. (October 2020)
- KFACC Allied Online Response Summer: Social Media Campaign to address IPV during COVID – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (Ongoing 2021/Updated Quarterly)
- KFACC Media Blitz “Still Here For You YGK” – Printed bus ads in all buses in the City of Kingston for 3 months, along with online ads and interviews on local news and TV (April – July 2021)
- Renew & Decompress Workshop with Dr. Dean Tripp (August 2021)
- StandUP Against Street Harassment Bystander Intervention Training Session presented by Julie S. Lalonde (September 2021)